Dr.-Ing王向荣和Dr.林箐于2000年创办了多义景观规划设计事务所。多义景观不拘泥于特定的风格,但涉足的实践领域非常广泛,完成了许多极具研究性和探索性的项目。每一个项目都是针对场地的特定目标,发现场地的问题,寻求最合理的解决途径,同时在自然、社会、艺术、生态、技术、经济等因素之间寻求最佳的平衡点。多义景观在20年的实践中完成了100多项项目,涵盖区域景观规划、生态网络规划、绿色基础设施规划、城市设计、城市更新、公园、湿地、城市开放空间、花园等各种尺度和类型。其中绝大多数设计项目都属于中国重要的和有影响的景观项目。作品获得包括美国ASLA规划奖、设计奖,IFLA APR设计奖,英国LI景观奖,BALI景观奖以及中国风景园林学会规划设计奖等一系列奖项。
Dr.-Ing WANG Xiangrong and Dr. LIN Qing founded the landscape planning and design firm Atelier DYJG in Beijing in 2000. Atelier DYJG does not adhere to a specific style, yet its practice covers a wide range of fields and it has completed a lot of research-oriented and exploratory projects. Aiming at the specific goal regarding each site, recognizing its problems and searching for the most reasonable solutions, every project seeks for the best balance points among the nature, society, art, ecology, technology, economy and other factors. Atelier DYJG has completed more than 100 projects in 20 years of practice, covering regional landscape planning, ecological network planning, green infrastructure planning, urban design, urban renewal, parks, wetlands, urban open spaces, gardens, involving a variety of scales and categories. Most of them are among the most significant and influential landscape projects in China. Some of the works have won a series of influential awards, including ASLA Professional Awards, IFLA APR Awards, Landscape Institute(British) Awards, BALI Awards and the planning and design awards of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, etc.

- 王向荣 WANG Xiangrong
王向荣,北京林业大学园林学院院长、教授、博士生导师,风景园林学科负责人。第四、五届中国风景园林学会副理事长,中国城市规划学会常务理事,中国科协聘任第五批首席科学传播专家(风景园林规划设计学),自然资源部《全国国土空间规划纲要(2020-2035)》编制专家、生态保护红线评估调整成果审核专家组成员,住建部科技委园林绿化专业委员会委员,中国城镇化促进会城镇建设发展专业委员会专家委员,《中国园林》主编。出版《景观笔记》《文化的自然》等著作6 部,发表论文100 余篇。设计作品4次获得中国风景园林学会优秀规划设计一等奖, 3次获得美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)荣誉奖,3次获得英国皇家风景园林学会(LI)入围奖,10次获得英国景观行业协会国家景观奖(BALI)。
Wang Xiangrong, Leading Professor and Dean of the School of Landscape Architecture at Beijing Forestry University. Principal of Atelier DYJG. Vice President of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA). Chief Editor of Landscape Architecture Journal China. BLA from Tongji University Shanghai in 1983. MLA from Beijing Forestry University in 1986. Dr.-Ing. from the School of Urban and Landscape Planning at Kassel University, Germany, in 1995. Honor Awards of ASLA Professional Analysis and Planning Category, Honor Award of General Design ASLA, Awards of Landscape Institute, Awards of Planning and Design of IFLA Asia-Pacific Region, National Landscape Awards of British Association of Landscape Industries and Excellence Awards of Design of CHSLA.
- 林箐 LIN Qing
林箐,北京林业大学园林学院教授,博士生导师,北京多义景观规划设计事务所主持设计师。获得第14届中国青年科技奖,兼任东京农业大学客座教授,中国风景园林学会理论与历史专业委员会副主任委员,中国建筑学会园林景观分会理事,《风景园林》杂志编委,研究领域包括园林历史,现代景观设计理论,区域景观,乡村景观等,发表大量相关论文和著作,设计作品获得包括美国ASLA规划奖、IFLA APR设计奖、英国BALI景观奖、英国LI景观奖、以及中国风景园林学会规划设计奖等20多项国内外重要奖。
Dr. Lin Qing is a professor of School of Landscape Architecture at Beijing Forestry University and the chief landscape architect of Atelier DYJG. She has won the 14th China Youth Science and Technology Award. She is also a visiting professor of Tokyo Agricultural University, vice-chairman of Theory and History Committee of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, director of Landscape Architecture Branch of Architectural Society of China, editorial board member of Landscape Architecture magazine. Her research focuses on the garden history, contemporary landscape design, regional landscape and rural landscape. She has completed a variety of landscape projects of different scales, and has won ASLA professional awards, IFLA APR landscape awards, British BALI national landscape awards, British LI Dame Sylvia Crowe award and CHSLA planning & design awards.
ZHANG Mingran
Li Yang
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